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van Vlaanderen Genealogy and van Vlaanderen Family History Information

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  • Agnès de Courtenay (1133 - 1184)
    of Courtenay (c. 1136 – c. 1184) was a Frankish noblewoman from the Crusader states. Agnes's parents, Joscelin II of Edessa and Beatrice of Saone, lost the County of Edessa in 1150. As the widow of Rey...
  • Amalric I of Anjou, king of Jerusalem (1136 - 1174)
    - (Latin: Amalricus; French: Amaury; 1136 – 11 July 1174) was King of Jerusalem from 1163, and Count of Jaffa and Ascalon before his accession. He was the second son of Melisende and Fulk of Jerusalem,...
  • Beatrix van Vlaanderen (aft.1335 - d.)
    Beatrix van Vlaanderen was the bastard child of Lodewijk II van Male, her mother is unknown. See Source tab. Do NOT add her mother as Margaret of Brabant unless you have proof (myheritage user trees an...
  • Boudewijn VII Hapkin, count of Flanders (1093 - 1119)
    Dutch Boudewijn VII, graaf van Vlaanderen werd ook 'Hapkin' of 'Boudewijn met de Bijl' genoemd.Voor een zeer volledige beschrijving van zijn leven, zie de thesis Boudewijn VII Hapkin, een witte ridder ...
  • Catherine 'the Nun' van Vlaanderen (deceased)
    LOUIS de Flandre , son of LOUIS I Count of Flanders & his wife Marguerite de France Ctss d'Artois (Maldeghem/Mâle, near Bruges 25 Nov 1330-Saint-Omer 30 Jan 1383, bur Lille Saint-Pierre).

About the van Vlaanderen surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the van Vlaanderen surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the van Vlaanderen surname.

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