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van Meerhof Genealogy and van Meerhof Family History Information

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  • Krotoa 'Eva' (c.1641 - 1674)
    !Goroǀgôas of the ǁAmmaqua (c1642, Cape - 29 July 1674 Robben Island) Krotoa (called 'Eva' by V Riebeeck) of the ǁAmmaqua (Watermans) referred to disparagingly by some Peninsula Khoe as Goringhaic...
  • Petronella van Meerhof (c.1663 - 1713)
    Alternate first name: Pieternella / Petronella Alternate surname: Meerhof / van Meerhof Please note not even FFY has a proven baptism record for her. Van 1669-1677 is Pieternella is opgegroeid bij J...
  • Anthonij Everts (1673 - 1713)
    Kratoa had two children which officialdom called ‘illegitimate’. These were Jeronimus and Anthonij. It is not known into whose care they had been placed when she died, nor whether either the Church Cou...

About the van Meerhof surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the van Meerhof surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the van Meerhof surname.

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