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van Egmond Genealogy and van Egmond Family History Information

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  • Ada Blancha van Egmond - della Torre (c.1228 - 1297)
    Biography== Ada Blancha della Torro Her parents were Pagano della Torre and Agathe de Genève . Ada Blancha married Willem II, Heer van Egmond in 1241 in Milaan. Together they had the following children...
  • Lord Aelbert I van Egmond (c.1130 - 1168)
    Allard of Egmont (Referred from Allard van Egmond) Allard 1130 - 1168 Lord of Egmont Periods 1158 - 1168 Forerunner Beerwout II of Egmont Successor Wouter of Egmont Father Beerwout II Allard of Egmont ...
  • Aelbrecht I Floris Woutersz Floris Woutersz Van Egmond van Meerestein (bef.1301 - c.1336)
    : Genealogie de heren en graven van Egmond 1958 auteur Dr. A.W.E. Dek profiel VI B 77. Bron Rob Gommes. . Elisabeth van der Woude. Zij trouwde met Aelbrecht van Egmond, (zoon van Floris Woutersz van Eg...
  • Agid I de Frisons (c.690 - d.)
  • Agid II van Egmond (725 - d.)

About the van Egmond surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the van Egmond surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the van Egmond surname.

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