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van de Caap Genealogy and van de Caap Family History Information

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  • Anna van Beulen, SM (1694 - 1748)
    BAPTISM: Anna van de Kaap also known as Anna van der Heyde, was born in bondage to the VOC c.1687-1693, daughter of Company slave Christijn Pietersz van de Kaap. Her biological father is presumed to ha...
  • Ansela van de Caap, SM/PROG (1655 - 1735)
    Campher Stammoeder Ansela van die Kaap === Research Review Apr 2016 'Ansela’s origin Recent mitochondrial DNA analysis of two matrilineal descendants of Ansela van die Kaap has indicated that the Camph...
  • Apolonia Danielse (bef.1732 - bef.1764)
    Please do not merge with Apolonia Helena Plagmann, SM This Apolonia was NOT married to Fredrik Simon Plaagman -------------------------------- BAPTISM: Johannes v Ceylon koop slavin Apolon...
  • Barbara van de Caap, SM/PROG (c.1730 - c.1775)
    Barbara van de Caap =20 May 1759, Cape Town - Is this her baptism? Dates do look "off' though? Barbara Van De Caap Baptism 20 May 1759 Cape Town, Cape Province, South Africa
  • Dorothea van de Kaap, SM/PROG (bef.1709 - d.)

About the van de Caap surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the van de Caap surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the van de Caap surname.

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