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  • Abigail Newton (1663 - bef.1745)
    Children include # Attorney General Daniel - 1757. Married Sarah Arnold, Austiss (sic) Jenkins# Richard - Bef 1734. Married Hannah Eldred # Alice. Married Matthew Cooper # Sarah. Married Giles Goddard....
  • Ann Jansen (1710 - 1761)
    William Updike (son of Lawrence Updike & Agnietie Post) married twice and had five children by first wife. Name of first wife is not mentioned in Op Dyck Genealogy. [6]First Wife:Ann Johnson Jansen 170...
  • Ann Updike (c.1708 - 1792)
    William Updike (son of Lawrence Updike & Agnietie Post) married twice and had five children by first wife. Name of first wife is not mentioned in Op Dyck Genealogy. [6]First Wife:Ann Johnson Jansen 170...
  • Catharine Updike (1820 - 1906)
    We have chosen to spell Catharine Updike (Thurston)'s name the way the tombstone spells it instead of the way that the author of the Find-A-Grave memorial spelled it. Still, if you are looking for addi...
  • Catherine Op den Dyck (1625 - 1664)
    CATHERINE4 SMITH (Richard3, Richard2, William1), daughter of (4) Richard3 and Elizabeth SMITH, was born about 1620 in Exeter, and died between 1654 and 1674[5]. She married in New Amsterdam, on 24 Sept...