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Underwood Genealogy and Underwood Family History Information

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  • Elizabeth Burke (1712 - 1770)
    References Bigbie, Scott. “The Descendants of George Bigbie - Volume Two.” Page 105 Reference: Ancestry Genealogy - SmartCopy : Sep 3 2018, 3:10:39 UTC
  • Abigail Underwood / Woods (c.1745 - 1826)
  • Abigail Chaffee (1753 - c.1843)
    ABIGAIL CHAFFEE (1753-1843) was born in Woodstock, and baptized in the First Congregational Church on March 18, 1753, the child of James Chaffee and Rhoda Cady. She married Elisha Underwood in 1775, an...
  • Brevet Maj. General Adin B. Underwood (USA) (1828 - 1888)
    Birth: May 19, 1828 Death: Jan. 24, 1888 Civil War Union Brevet Major General. At the beginning of the Civil War he was a successful lawyer in practice, active in raising recruits and was appointed Cap...
  • Alexander Underwood (deceased)

About the Underwood surname

Underwood is a surname of ancient Anglo-Saxon origin and comes from a family once having lived under the trees in a forest, below a forest on a hillside, or in either of the settlements called Underwood in Derbyshire or Nottinghamshire, or in the parish of Symington, Ayrshire. It is derived from the Old English preposition under plus wuda, a wood.

One of the earliest recorded Underwood name bearers to enter America was Joseph Underwood Joseph Underwood of Watertown. On January 2, 1634 he embarked from London on the ship Bonaventure bound for Virginia.

Variations: Underwoode, Underwode

Suggested Readings:

  • Isaac W. Underwood: His Ancestors and Descendants by Willie Bruce Underwood
  • The Underwood Families of America by Lucien Marcus Underwood
