There are already 123 users and 3,683 genealogy profiles with the Toms surname on Geni. Explore Toms genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Registered births to Samuel and Charlotte Toms;
V1850 2600 35 MA ; Francis W.
V1852 3557 38A MA ; Susannah
V1854 4287 40 MA ; Betsy
1856/8419 Wollongong; (Male)
1858/13436 Wollongong; E...
Not a known child of John Tomes lll
Francis Toms who "came into Virginia about 1649" and was "age 77 in 1710," lived about nine years in Martin's Brandon on the South Side of James River (Charles Ci...
William Toms went up the Delaware River in 1664 with Richard Nichols and captured New Amsterdam, renaming it New York in honour of the Duke of York.
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