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  • Uile Merike Remes (1945 - 2015)
    Eestlanna. TLÜAR väliseesti isikud:
  • Tikka(Ticka) (deceased)
    GEDCOM Source ===MH:S500065 Keijo Johannes Tikka Tikka Web Site MyHeritage sukupuissa Perhesivusto: Tikka Web Site Sukupuu: 121108891-1 121108891-1 Discovery === GEDCOM Source ===MH:SC509658 Tuntematon...
  • Tikka (deceased)
  • Tikka (deceased)
  • (No Name) (deceased)
    GEDCOM Source ===MH:S500065 Keijo Johannes Tikka Tikka Web Site MyHeritage sukupuissa Perhesivusto: Tikka Web Site Sukupuu: 121108891-1 121108891-1 Discovery === GEDCOM Source ===MH:SC509659 Tuntematon...

About the Tikka surname

Tikka is a surname originating in Finland (in Finnish, it means "woodpecker"), and a surname originating in Hindustan (before the partition of India and Pakistan).

The Finnish word for woodpecker It also means 'dart' in Finnish, as when playing darts. A line of hunting rifles manufactured by Finnish firearms manufacturer SAKO. Tikka is not rare last name throughout Finland but a little bit more concentrated in Eastern Finland. Around 7532 people have been found who wears Tikka as their family name. Tikkala form of the word Tikka is used as village namein Finland.

Tikka (food), a type of South Asian food (also spelled Teeka or Teekka). Tikka (forehead mark), a mark made on the forehead by Hindu Indians (also spelled Tilaka or Teeka or Teekka).Title of the heir apparent, used predominantly in the Hill States of India (also styled Tikka Sahib)