Svan people in the Caucas related to inhabitants of Kolkhis of Aigyptian origin,might have been inherited by this name from the latter's Copt language in which An-Sewa means King .
Aigypt has partly been colonized after the exile from the region of A-Gawa-Wappat-Tek-Ha'ella in the Holy Land of America belonging to Ze-Be-Laya-Na ,inhabitants of which could now be called Aigyptian Helléns of Libyan Zeys ,which is the country of the once much greater Belize ,dominant people of which is now for some reason called Mayan . Georgians are Hellens because Görög in Hungarian ( Médian ) referring to the latter is derived from Georg .
Franks also belonged to Belize descending from the ancient chief Feranek ,thus are closely related to Svan people called also Suev .
Some neighbours call Svans also Malhar ,which may come from the name of Hamarre alias Har-Malle son of Samaale Osmaan alias Manko Inka ,ruling from 123 b.c. ,ancestor of Somali ( Son-Mali ) nobility ,
who might have been king of peoples in Malle and especially of Soninke and Malinke one of origin likely from Assuan / Syéné and from Meroé / Malaya ,the places,that might have been impopulated by Svans and others since the exile .
Harmalle's grandson was Alema or Alama ,who may well be the forefather of Aleman / Alaman nobility heading parts of Suevs already in Europe ,while his grandson Wallemugga might have somehow had Warremunga people in Australia as issue . The latter might have been moved there in the company of the ancestors of Manding-Diarra,Gadu-Diarra, Jigalong - related to Dyalongke - Gio-Diarra and tribes having similarly sounding names all from the country of Dierra alternatively called Wa-Gadu or Agada or Silla in what was later called Mali or Ghana.
His brother Gardheere may be the ancestor of Garad'ere people and through his sons or grandsons Garre and Riyola ( Ray-Yuwaala ) of Garre-Diarra and of Yuwaalaray respectively . Earlier Somalians could be represented by Warmala,Wanaeka and by Walbrai ( Warlabe-Ray ) tribes descending from Warma-'Eke and Warlabe ,two sons of Oor Singally ,who is in general the ancestor of the kings of Bangala or Singala .
Jews and christians say Gey-Yiftakh-'El,Zebulon,Parnak .
See Alemann,Alemán,Swanson,Gupta,Colombo,Senigaglia,Somalia,Ceylon,Frank,Görög,Görögh,Grúz,Senegal, Rabat,Greif,Tobago,Hollender,Mailender,Kaleva,Suoamalainen,Karelin,Malinka,Cádiz,Al-Yamani,Franco,Franek,Reval,Szily,Szili,Hierro,Canarias,Makarenko,Diamant and more !
Balázs Déri