There are already 225 users and over 8,643 genealogy profiles with the Sumner surname on Geni. Explore Sumner genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
"Abigail Bidwell was the daughter of Samuel & Elizabeth Stow Bidwell. She married Hezekiah Sumner. Among their children was son William. After Hezekiah's death , Abigail married Samuel Frary in 1753." ...
At Rowley Thomas Elithorpe married (2) Abigail (___) Sumner, widow of Thomas Sumner of Rowley. On 14 May 1654 widow Abigail Elithorpe, Hugh Smith and John Pickard petitioned for probate of the will of ...
Reference: FamilySearch Genealogy - SmartCopy : Mar 20 2017, 16:23:16 UTC Abigail's parents were Timothy Jessup and Hannah (Pratt) Jessup.Hinshaw Index to Selected Quaker Records 1680-1940 list Abigail...
English surname, derived from the word 'summoner', used of persons in the employ of the Crown who issued summons or brought wanted persons before Crown justice for various reasons.
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