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Sture Genealogy and Sture Family History Information

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  • Grevinna Hedvig Maria Piper (1697 - 1767)
    uppger fel dödsort.Dödsnotis finns i Bred C:3, sid 121, längst ned ( d 7 Martij afled på Strömsnäs fru Grevinnan Hedvig Sture och d 17 Eiusdem fördes till Teda att begrafvas.'Husförhörslängden i Teda A...
  • Judith Hawley (1592 - c.1630)
    JUDITH, eldest daughter of Admiral Sir Richard Hawkins, was baptized at Deptford, November 7th, 1592 - before her father was a prisoner in Spain - and was eleven years older than the five other childre...
  • Margrethe Clausdatter Sture, til Gammelgaard (c.1480 - 1528)
    Margrethe Clausdatter Sture ød Des 1528 --Danmarks Adels Aarbog, Thiset, Hiort-Lorenzen, Bobé, Teisen., (Dansk Adelsforening), [1884 - 2005]., DAA 1920:524.
  • Margrethe Vognsdatter (c.1363 - 1422)
  • Sten Sture "The Elder", Regent of Sweden (c.1440 - 1503)
    Sten Sture the Elder was a Swedish statesman and regent of Sweden 1470–1497 and 1501–1503. As the leader of the victorious Swedish separatist forces against the royal unionist forces during the Battle ...

About the Sture surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Sture surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Sture surname.

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