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Strauch Genealogy and Strauch Family History Information

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  • Dr. Aegidius Strauch, II (1632 - 1682)
    Aegidius Strauch (* 21. Februar 1632 in Wittenberg; † 13. Dezember 1682 in Danzig) war ein lutherischer Theologe. .
  • Aegidius Strauch (1583 - 1657)
    Aegidius Strauch (born June 22, 1583 in Wittenberg , † January 22, 1657 in Dresden ) was a German Lutheran theologian.Strauch's father Agidius Strauch († December 30, 1597 in Wittenberg) came from Brab...
  • Alice Strauch (1895 - 1942)
    Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs: Strauch, Alice geboren am 14. November 1895 in Berlin/Stadt Berlin wohnhaft in Berlin Emigration Frankreich Deportation ab Drancy 27. Juli 1942, Auschwitz,...
  • Engelbert Strauch (1898 - 1938)
    Sünd vkj 9. jaanuaril 1898 Sünd ukj arvestatud valesti 22. jaanuar 1898 Mitu väljaannet annab sünniajana 1898. Kas ta võltsis ennast vanemaks? EELK Jõhvi koguduse personaalraamat. Päite (1852-1...

About the Strauch surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Strauch surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Strauch surname.

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