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  • 1st wife of Robert Stevens (c.1565 - bef.1585)
    February 2019== Biography ==Robert Stevens married circa 1585 to Dionis (last name unknown). They may each have been married previously. He died sometime between 16 Dec 1627 (date of his will) and 4 Fe...
  • Aaron Dwight Stevens (1831 - 1860)
    Aaron Dwight Stevens, Abolitionistfrom: A Native of Lisbon, Connecticut by Tom Bosse Grew up in Norwich, CT. 2009 Lisbon, CT Historical SocietyAaron Dwight Stevens participated in the raid on Harpers F...
  • Abiel Stevens (1681 - bef.1768)
    Children of John Stevens and Esther Barker: Abiel b. 4 Jun 1681 m Deborah Barker "(STEVENS (Steevens, Stephens, Steven)) Abiel, s. John and Esther, June 4, 1681." "(STEVENS (Steevens, Stephens, St...
  • Abigail Stevens (Barnum) (1669 - 1739)
    She was the first white, female child born in the town of Danbury. Sources: 1. Cutter, William Richard, ed.. New England Families, Genealogical and Memorial; a Record of the Achievements of Her People ...
  • Abigail Hickock (1699 - 1741)
    Abigail is the daughter of Samuel Stevens, son of John Stevens and Mary Coit, of New London and New Haven. She married Ebenezer Hickok, as his 2nd wife, in 1729. Ebenezer's family was from Waterbury, ...

About the Stevens surname

From "English: patronymic from the personal name Steven. It is also found in this spelling as a Dutch and North German name, and as an Americanized form of some like-sounding Jewish name, as well as cognate names in other European languages such as Stefan and Steffen and their derivatives."

other versions of this surname

and Stevens