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Stern Genealogy and Stern Family History Information

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  • Antoine Jacques Stern (1805 - 1885)
  • Abraham Jakub Stern (aft.1762 - 1842)
    Abraham Jakub Stern , inna pisownia Sztern – zegarmistrz, mechanik (samouk), konstruktor, uczony, wynalazca, uznawany za jednego z prekursorów cybernetyki. Wynalazca kilku maszyn liczących, dalmierza g...
  • Adolf (Abraham) Stern (1871 - 1934)
    Bank director in Bratislava (Pressburg, today Slovakia). Co-founder of the Paneuropaen movement. Marriage record. Centropa interview with Adolf Abraham Stern's great-grandson Tomáš Stern. He discusses ...
  • Abraham Stern (1772 - 1827)
    Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy : Feb 2 2023, 21:47:18 UTC
  • Abraham Isaac Stern (b. - 1748)

About the Stern surname

One family has a story that the Emperor Franz Joseph of the Austro Hungarian Empire named three brothers for their service to him while he was in present day Romania. The three brothers were each given a surnames Adler, Fruchter, and Stern.


Balázs Déri :

Some Stern families might have been named of Ceterni ,wife of Nyamlap visiting the Holy Land some 10 generations before the Incas and founding the state of Lambayeke or Llampallec .

She may well be identical with A'asa-Terra that is Esther / Ernestina known from the Byblical story, whose husband was A'akha-Shaya-Rayasha ,likely identical with Kunika Ajatasatru of Magadha , ruling there from about 559 until 527 or so . This empire might have included peoples of languages similar to the ones now spoken in the hills of Nepal and Tibet ,and such is also the one Moche people in Lambayeke had spoken . It may be closest to dialects like that of Kulung tribe and somewhat also to Corean . So it is likely many of the subjects of the state who also immigrated into America were descended from Asha-Leha son of Awa-Hayad-Daha .

Ceterni ( Set-E-Er-Ren-i ) that is Ernestina and Ester may be the ancestress hence of some of the nobility of the Holy Land integrated later into the Inca Empire,the majority of whom has been deported by the devils into Eurasia until this day ,when the Temple of God on Mount Roraima fas been destroyed .

See Inca,Hajda,Hallin,Hadbábni,Legeza,Sugár,King,Kun,Nepali,Indra,Siba,Siva,Sirisaka,Munk,Kohn, Hackel,Colombo,Pak,Georg,Bantu,Bátyai and others !