There are already 1,024 users and over 28,630 genealogy profiles with the Steele surname on Geni. Explore Steele genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
DAR Ancestor #: A108131 Steele Family history at Magnolia and Peaches Greene Co., Alabama, website.1. AARON3 STEELE I (JAMES2, JOHN1)1 was born 1740 in New Castle, Delaware1, and died November 1795 in ...
Steele married next, his third wife, January 18, 1775, Abigail Makepeace by whom he had another 4 children (3 sons and 1 daughter): Abigail (b. 1775), Solomon (1780-1799), Eleazer (1785-1847), and Jaso...
Steele married, January 24, 1754 in Tolland, Tolland County, Colony of Connecticut, for his first wife Abigail Huntington (1732-1769) by whom he had 7 children (5 sons and 2 daughters): Aaron (b. 1754)...
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