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  • Abigail Standish, died young (1724 - 1725)
    Descendant of Mayflower passenger George Soule Descendant of Mayflower passengers Myles Standish and John and Priscilla (Mullins) Alden.
  • Abigail Nabby Standish (1763 - 1846)
    Father: Thomas GARDNER Mother: Betty UNKNOWN Marriage 1 Hadley Standish b: 4 FEB 1759 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, New England * Married: 30 NOV 1780 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Ma...
  • Abigail Backus Standish (1726 - 1824)
    Abigail Brown/Backus Standish Memorial Birth: Mar. 31, 1726 Canterbury Windham County Connecticut, USA Death: Dec. 29, 1824 West Granville Washington County New York, USA Family links: Spouse:...
  • Alesia Alice d'Ince (c.1265 - c.1305)
  • Alexander Standish, Lord of the Manor (c.1400 - c.1445)
    de Standish (Lord of the Manor 1434-1445)There is not a great deal of documentary evidence about how Alexander carried out his tenure of the manor, just a deed or two recording legal squabbles. In 1440...

About the Standish surname

"Standish" is both a Place Name, and also a Family Name.

Place - Ormskirk, Lancashire, England. Walled cemetery of Pigrims near Ormskirk. (unmarked graves) Miles Standish and his association with Lancashire and the Island of Man. Miles Standish sails to America as Military Advisor. ( taking one of two sisters from Ormskirk with him). He marries first sister who dies, then invites her sister who also marries Myles Standish.'