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Stafford Genealogy and Stafford Family History Information

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  • (unknown) Berkeley (c.1408 - bef.1423)
    '(Miss) Stafford1,2,3 'F, b. circa 1408, d. before 1423 Father Sir Humphrey Stafford, Sheriff of Staffordshire, Somersetshire, & Dorsetshire1,2,4 b. c 1379, d. 27 May 1442 Mother Elizabeth Maltra...
  • Abagail Stafford (1759 - 1839)
  • Abigail Lewis Stafford (1787 - 1890)
    Abigail Davis Stafford BIRTH 1787 Giles County, Virginia, USA DEATH 1822 (aged 34–35) Johnson County, Kentucky, USA BURIAL Old Huff Cemetery Paintsville, Johnson County, Kentucky, USA MEMORIAL ID 2096...
  • Alditha de Vernon, Heiress of Sandon (c.1230 - 1279)
    Aud married William de Stafford, son of Sir William de Stafford Knight and Unknown. 713 (William de Stafford was born about 1225 in Bramshall, Uttoxeter, Staffordshire, England 193 and died about 1258 ...
  • Alice Cheyne / Tailboys (1391 - 1448)
    dau. of Humphrey Stafford (1379 - 1442) and Elizabeth Maltravers.m1. Edmund Cheney, children Elizabeth and Ann/Agnesm2. Walter Talboys, children William and EleanorSTAFFORD1

About the Stafford surname

I am researching the name Stafford. This is my maternal grandmother's maiden name. She was from New York (I think Brooklyn). She was one of 3 sisters - Lauretta, Marion and Margarite. I believe her father was a mailman. I would love any information about this family. Thank you.