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Spooner Genealogy and Spooner Family History Information

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  • Colonel Alden Spooner (1757 - 1827)
    ALDEN SPOONER b. Aug 22, 1757 d. May 1, 1827 Alden Spooner was born in New London, Conn. where he received a good elementary education partly in the village school but chiefly in the printing office wi...
  • Alice Haskell (1718 - 1759)
  • Alice Gibbs (1656 - bef.1725)
    vii. Alice Warren, b. 2 Aug., 1656; m. 23 Dec., 1674, Thomas Gibbs of Sandwich.Not the same as Alice Randall 23 Dec 1674 Thomas Gibbs married Alice Warren (1646-1732) in Sandwich, Massachusetts. Alice'...
  • Alice Spooner (1681 - 1729)
    found on - Added by: Scott Swingle on June 05, 2008 Alice Blackwell (1681 - d.)Birthdate: May 8, 1681Death: Daughter of Sarah and JohnWife of WilliamMother of William, Jemima, Jean, Elizabe...
  • Ann Spooner (bef.1598 - c.1650)
    SOURCE: The Pilgrim Archives, Leiden, HolandElder William BREWSTER, aged about forty-two years, came before the aldermen at Leiden, Holland on 12 June 1609, as guardian of Ann PECK, native of Launde, w...

About the Spooner surname

I'm Mark Perry Barnard,the 4xGreat Grandson of Elizabeth(Spooner)Greiner,Wife of William Jacob Greiner. Their daughter Jane Ann Catherine(Suzannah)(Greine)Scott,married Lorenzo Dow Scott. Their son Barnaby Brannon(Barney)Scott,Sarah Ann(Sallie)(Lowther)Scott. Their Daughter Minnie Elizabeth(Scott)Newman,married William "Bascom" Newman. Their daughter Bertha(Newman)Nesmith,married Perry Nesmith. Their daughter,Lure Elizabeth(Nesmith)Barnard is my mother. We are descendants of,Phillippe de la Noye or Delano,through Elizabeth(Spooner)Greiner. The Great Granddaughter of Mercy(Delano)Spooner.