Spitama Zer-Dusht having lived 258 years before Alexander from Makedonia considered by some to be the writer of some parts of Awasta on the levitic language of the sons of Awasta-Hara is in my opinion identical with Arga -Zer-Raha son of SHRWH (or rather SHDWH = Shet-Dawa-Ha ?),who led about 584 b.c. after 70 years of captivity in Babylón (Libya) some people from the tribes of Ag-Ayar A'ar-Rawa-ha and Ze-'Aba - iranians and indo-aryans - back to the Holy Land of America.
He himself was a descendant of A'eherrenna and as such was of german,yiddish-deutsch mother tongue,traces of what are until today reflected in iranian languages.
He organised new "judaism" after returning and made built the High Tower again to put bread to the table in it - but this bread was not clean any more but dirty.
This is also the reason of that after a renewed exile lasting until this day people deported from Hiero-Salém in Amazonia to Europe,to Rhóman "Empire " - the lude Babylón that spoils nations with the wine of its ludeness - speak the language of his family.
Therefore I think Spitzer family descends from him : Spit-Zer.
Jews and christians call them Yitshar,Ezra,Gur Aryeh and Ze'eb.
See Bagratuni !
Balázs Déri
[What is the above based on? ~Arad Spitzer, Nov 30th, 2020]