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Southard Genealogy and Southard Family History Information

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  • Abigail Spragg (c.1669 - c.1726)
    Abigail Southard==* born - 1669, Hempstead Swamp, Newtown Elmhurst, Queens, NY* died - ca. 1726, Hempstead, Nassaw co. NY* Parents ' - daughter of Thomas Southard and Annica/Eunice Van Salee* Married -...
  • Lyda Southard (1892 - 1958)
    From Wikipedia :=Lyda Southard, also known as Lyda Anna Mae Trueblood, was an American female suspected serial killer. It was suspected that she had killed her four husbands, a brother-in-law, and her ...
  • Annica Antonis Southard (1632 - 1698)
    After Thomas and Annica moved to Hempstead she changed (anglicized) her name to Eunice. Late in life and probably at the time of her death, she was living with her youngest son, Isaac. The address of ...
  • Benjamin Southworth (deceased)
  • Benjamin Southard (1738 - bef.1805)
    Patriot of the American Revolution Service NY Rank Patriotic Service Ancestor DAR # A107321 Service Source: HUNTTING, HISTORY OF LITTLE NINE PARTNERS, OF NORTH EAST PRECINCT, AND OF PINE PLAINS, NY, 18...

About the Southard surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Southard surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Southard surname.

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