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  • Annette von Eckart (1871 - 1934)
    , Restauratorin, Kopistin, Textilkünstlerin, Kunstschriftstellerin, AntiquitätenhändlerinMarc’s personal and artistic life was next turned upside down by a torrid love affair with Annette von Eckardt, ...
  • James Simon (1851 - 1932)
    Simon was a German entrepreneur, art collector, philanthropist and patron of the arts during the Wilhelmine period. He donated most of his significant collections to the Berlin State Museums, including...
  • Abraham Simon (1832 - 1909)
  • Ada Simon (1855 - 1918)
  • Adele Hirsch (1905 - 1942)
    Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs: Hirsch, Adele geborene Simon geboren am 28. Juni 1905 in Ehringshausen / Wetzlar / Rheinprovinz wohnhaft in Haiger und Ehringshausen Deportation: ab Frankf...

About the Simon surname

Simon is a widely used name; it has 32 variants that are used in both English and other languages. Variants used in English include Siemon, Sime, Simeon (used in French, German, Russian, and Slavic as well), Sy, and Syme. The short forms Si and Sim (used in German, and Scottish as well), the pet form Simmie, and the variant spelling Symon are other English forms. Foreign variants of Simon include Samein (Arabic), Semjon (Russian), Semon (Greek), Semyon (Russian), Shimon (Hebrew and Yiddish), Siemen (Dutch and German), Simao (Portuguese), Simen (Scandinavian), Simidh (Scottish), Simion (French and Romanian), Simmy (German), Simone (Italian), Sìm (Scottish), Síomón (Irish), Symeon (Greek and Polish), Symms (Hebrew), Szymon (Polish), Ximen (Spanish), and Ximenes (Spanish). Specific foreign variants include the pet forms Siek (Czech), Simecek (Czech), Simunek (Czech), and Sionek (Czech).

Simon is popular as a baby name for boys. The name's popularity has been increasing since the 1950s. At the modest height of its usage in 2002, 0.068% of baby boys were given the name Simon. Its ranking then was #242. In 2009, its usage was 0.062% and its ranking #263, and it was the most popular within all boy names in its group.