There are already 71 users and 2,784 genealogy profiles with the Seger surname on Geni. Explore Seger genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Vanhemmat ja syntymäpaikka tuntemattomia. Parents and birth place unknown. Föräldrar och födelseplats okända.
Käräjillä todisti myöskin luutnantti Morasin vaimo Elisabeth Seger, joka oli lapsineen p...
»Zgodi se moja volja!« Grof Herman II. Celjski (1361? – 1435) V iztekajočem se srednjem veku se je na Štajerskem dvignila plemiška rodbina, ki je v kratkem času poldrugega stoletja postala najprodornej...
Conforme livro "Imigrantes Alemães 1824-1853, de autoria de Gilson Justino da Rosa, EST: Porto Alegre, 2005", na página 153, Johannes Koch acompanhado da família chegou ao Rio Grande vindos de Bremen n...
Robert Clark "Bob" Seger (born May 6, 1945) is an American rock singer-songwriter, guitarist and pianist. As a locally successful Detroit-area artist, he performed and recorded as Bob Seger and the Las...
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