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Scudder Genealogy and Scudder Family History Information

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  • Agnes Scrope (1470 - 1508)
    [T1800]ABT 1470 - ____BIRTH: ABT 1470, Kent,EnglandFamily 1 : Henry SKUDDERMARRIAGE: ABT 1490, Kent,England+John SCUDDER+Thomas SCUDDER Robert SCUDDER Richard SCUDDER Jayne SCUDDER Margerie SCUDDER Ali...
  • Alice Joanna Baker (1504 - 1612)
    Either Alice was John's second wife or he married her after their eldest son, John was born (in 1528). Perhaps his first wife died in childbirth?
  • Bridget Giles (1591 - 1680)
    Her first husband was Philip [SIC - unknown] Very. She had three children with him in England.Widow of Thomas Verry [SIC: unknown Very] whom she married c. 1621, He was buried at Strood, Kent, 29 Oct 1...
  • Catherine Jones (1625 - 1658)
    HENRY Scudder moved also from Southold to Huntington in 1657. There he married Catherine Esty, the daughter of Jeffrey Esty. He died in Huntington in 1661. He left his wife, three sons and two daughter...
  • Deborah Hart (c.1722 - 1776)
    John Hart BIRTH 1714 Hopewell, Mercer County, New Jersey, USA DEATH 11 May 1779 (aged 64–65) Hunterdon County, New Jersey, USA BURIAL Hopewell Baptist Meeting House Cemetery Hopewell, Mercer County, N...

About the Scudder surname

The name, Scudder, is from an Old English name possibly meaning archer. The Scudders came originally from England in 1635 to the Salem and Long Island areas. There were 2 brothers who were the first to come. One Scudder ancestor, William Smith Scudder, was a privateer (American side) and spied for George Washington, giving him reports about British activity on Long Island. Silas Fowler's and Hazel Fowler's maternal grandmother is a Scudder.