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Schwartz Genealogy and Schwartz Family History Information

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  • A. R. "Babe" Schwartz (1926 - 2018)
    A. R. "Babe" Schwartz (born July 17, 1926) is a former member of the Texas Legislature. He served in the Texas House of Representatives from 1955 to 1959 and the Texas Senate, District 17 from 1960 to ...
  • Ada Henna Gerber (Schwartzman) (1850 - 1928)
  • Agnes Hoagland (1821 - 1911)
  • Alice I. Gooch (1885 - 1991)
    Alice I. Gooch, dau. of George Gooch and Nellie Hastings, was b. Apr. 25,1885 in Manchester, New Hampshire; she m. CHARLES W. SCHWARTZ, son of William Schwartz and Sarah Sargent. He was b. Feb. 6,1886 ...
  • Aloysius Schwartz (1930 - 1992)
    Aloysius Philip Schwartz (September 18, 1930 – March 16, 1992), commonly known as Fr. Al Schwartz, was an American Roman Catholic priest who began charity programs for poor orphans in Korea, the Phil...

About the Schwartz surname

The origin of the surname Schwartz was the Polish Szwarc . The surname Swartz is derived from the low German word Schwarze, which means "black" or "swarthy." The birthplace of the name is Thuringia which located between Hessen and Lower Saxony in the west and Saxony in the east. It is also derived from the Yiddish shvarts, meaning "dark" or "black."

Spelling Variations: Schwarz, Schwartze, Schwarte, Swartz
