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Schuman Genealogy and Schuman Family History Information

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  • Alice Maud Schuman (1879 - 1952)
    SMH 11 Feb, 1952SCHUMAN Alice Maud -February 9 1952 of 10 Schwebel Street Marrickville beloved wife of Frederick John and loved mother of Vera and Ron mother in law of Ron Hollingsworth and Edna May de...
  • Cecile Wexler Schuman (1918 - 2017)
    My aunt Cecile was a wonderful character. She was the kind of woman who would dance on tables! That's how I think of her. She was youthful until the end and I'll miss her very much. ~ Marsha
  • Hannah Dorothy Halprin (1920 - 2021)
    Halprin (born Anna Schuman on 13 July 1920) helped pioneer the experimental art form known as postmodern dance and referred to herself as the breaker of modern dance. Halprin, along with her contempora...
  • Robert Schuman (1886 - 1963)
    See Wikipedia... Robert Schuman (French pronunciation: [%CA%81%C9%94b%C9%9B%CA%81 ʃuman]; 29 June 1886 – 4 September 1963) was a noted Luxembourgish-born French statesman. Schuman was a Christian Democ...
  • William Howard Schuman (1910 - 1992)
    Mother was very proud of her relative (actually her Uncle Walter's nephew), the most renowned of the various composers in our family. When she and I met Leonard Bernstein, she introduced herself as Wil...

About the Schuman surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Schuman surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Schuman surname.

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