There are already 66 users and 1,513 genealogy profiles with the Schor surname on Geni. Explore Schor genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Ann Loring was born on January 17, 1914 in New York City, New York, USA as Anita Kurtin. She was an actress and writer, known for Love of Life (1951), Robin Hood of El Dorado (1936) and Absolute Quiet ...
Parents: Ulrich Mueller (1702-) and Elizabeth Meyer (1705-) Children: Anna Maria, Mary Magdalena, Johannes, Heinrich (Henry), Friedrich, Peter, Elizabeth, Maria Barbara, Anna Catharina* Updated from Fi...
Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs:
Schor, Barbara Judith Bertha Berta Yehudit geborene Spiro geboren am 18. März 1868 in Czestochowa (dt. Tschenstochau) / Piotrkow / Russland wohnhaft in Be...
Revolutionary War veteran. Henry Shores, DAR # A104332
Rank: Soldier, Surry County, NC Militia
Note: married Anna 'Barbara' Mueller
Updated from Find A Grave Memorial via daughter Anna Maria H...
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