There are already 252 users and over 16,527 genealogy profiles with the Schlesinger surname on Geni. Explore Schlesinger genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Adam Schlesinger was an American songwriter, composer and record producer. He won Emmy and Grammy Awards, and was nominated for Oscar, Tony, and Golden Globe Awards. He was also a winner of the ASCAP P...
Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs:
Schlesinger, Adele
geb. Behrendt
geboren am 29. Oktober 1892
in Scharnau/Neidenburg/Ostpreußen
wohnhaft in Cottbus
ab Tilsit - Kön...
Martin Schlesinger was a German music publisher whose firm became one of the most influential in Berlin in the early nineteenth century. Berlin: A. M. Schlesinger (1810-1864)The original firm was found...
Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs:
Schlesinger, Alfred
geboren am 12. Oktober 1870
in Hodonin (Göding)/Mähren
wohnhaft in München Gladbach
ab Düsseldorf
25. Juli 194...
Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs:
Gundermann, Alice
geborene Schlesinger geboren am 17. April 1900 in Hamburg / - / Hansestadt Hamburg wohnhaft in Berlin (Schöneberg)
Deportation: ab B...
שם המשפחה "שלזינגר" בא מחבל הארץ שבגרמניה "שלזיה". הפירוש של שלזינגר הוא: גר בשלזיה.
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