There are already 325 users and over 19,441 genealogy profiles with the Schäfer surname on Geni. Explore Schäfer genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
The son of Johan Justus and Anna Barbara nee Wegert Schafer, he married Barbarea nee Frey on 29 Jul 1829 in Leimen, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany. They had 7 (seven), children, Leonhard, Jakob, (1829-1831...
DAR Ancestor A102534
Military service : From 1776 To 1782 - Cumberland, Pennsylvania, United States
Residence : Cumberland Co. (later known as Franklin Co.), Pennsylvania - 1796
Residence : Be...
Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs:Schäfer, Adolf geboren am 21. Mai 1875 in Hainsfarth/Nördlingen/Bayernwohnhaft in StuttgartDeportation ab Stuttgart 26. April 1942, Izbica, Ghettocf.:
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