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Sarmiento Genealogy and Sarmiento Family History Information

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About the Sarmiento surname

The surname Sarmiento is a Spanish surname that means ‘the one who cultivates the vine’. It is believed to originate from the region of Galicia, in Spain. The Sarmientos are an ancient and distinguished family, with a long history of service to the community. The Sarmientos have been a prominent family in Colombia since the 16th century. They have played an important role in Colombian politics, economy, and culture. Many members of the Sarmiento family have been political leaders, entrepreneurs, artists, and academics. The Sarmientos have contributed to the construction of a modern and prosperous nation. The descendants of the Sarmientos are found all over the world, from Latin America to Europe and Asia. The first Sarmiento to arrive in Colombia was Francisco Sarmiento, who was a Spanish merchant. Taken from: