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Sager Genealogy and Sager Family History Information

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  • Anna Martha Hahn (1834 - 1884)
    Birth: 1834 Hessen, Germany Death: 1884 Saint Johnsville Montgomery County New York, USAFamily links: Spouse: Heinrich Sager (1834 - 1906) Children: Anna Lampman Corte (1856 - 1931)* Charles Conrad S...
  • Carole Bayer Sager
    Carole Bayer Sager (born March 8, 1947) is an American lyricist, songwriter, singer, and painter.Born in New York City, Sager graduated from New York University, where she majored in English, dramatic ...
  • Charles Conrad Sagar (1859 - 1947)
    Birth: Jan., 1859 Saint Johnsville Montgomery County New York, USA Death: 1947, USASon of Heinrich "Henry" Sager/Sagers and Anna Martha Hahn Sager.Married Lucy Annie Lee in 1885.Father of five of Luc...
  • Charles Conrad Sager (1922 - 2003)
    Birth: Aug. 29, 1922 Montgomery Montgomery County Texas, USA Death: Sep. 8, 2003 New York, USACharles Conrad Sager August 29, 1922 - September 8, 2003Funeral services for Charles Conrad Sager, 81, of...
  • Clara Gay Sager (1897 - 1973)
    Birth: Jul. 1, 1897 Death: Jul. 14, 1973Family links: Spouse: Elie H. Sager (1887 - 1959)* Children: Clarence Ray Sager (1914 - 1981)* Virginia Christine Sager Gates (1918 - 2000)* Jack Ervin Sager (...

About the Sager surname