There are already 175 users and 1,357 genealogy profiles with the Sagar surname on Geni. Explore Sagar genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Birth: Jan., 1859 Saint Johnsville Montgomery County New York, USA Death: 1947, USASon of Heinrich "Henry" Sager/Sagers and Anna Martha Hahn Sager.Married Lucy Annie Lee in 1885.Father of five of Luc...
Johannes (kaksik) vanematega: EELK Pilistvere koguduse personaalraamat XIa (Kabala, Ollepa, Põltsamaa); EAA.3144.1.129; 1866-1911 surm: EELK Pilistvere koguduse personaalraamat XVII. P-S; EAA.3144.1.14...
Birth: Mar. 12, 1868 Tennessee, USA Death: Feb. 4, 1950 Houston Harris County Texas, USALucy was the daughter of Henry W Lee and Virginia Grangeen Family links: Parents: Henry Wallace Lee (1842 - 192...
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