There are already 341 users and over 12,387 genealogy profiles with the Saarinen surname on Geni. Explore Saarinen genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Eero Saarinen is, outside of Finland, the most prominent Finnish architect of all times. In Finland, he is (arguably) second to his father Eliel Saarinen only. If not in Finland, Saarinen is considered...
Graduated Goddard College with a BA, then, went on to UCLA Graduate School to study Filmmaking.He was the Director of Photography on 15 theatrical features, including Albert Brook's "Lost in America", ...
Suomalainen filosofi, yritysvalmentaja ja kirjailija.
Saarinen oli vuodesta 2002 systeemitieteiden, soveltavan filosofian ja luovan ongelmanratkaisun professorina Teknillisessä korkeakoulussa (Aalto-y...
Gottlieb Eliel Saarinen was a Finnish-American architect known for his work with art nouveau buildings in the early years of the 20th century. He was also the father of famed architect Eero Saarinen.
Reference: FamilySearch Family Tree - SmartCopy : Jun 14 2017, 19:50:13 UTC
Marriage 04.08.1928 - New York City Marriage Records, 1829-1938.
United States Census, 1950.Shrewsbury Town, Vermont, Rut...
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