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Rothschild Genealogy and Rothschild Family History Information

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  • Aaron Rothschild (1869 - 1942)
    Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs:Rothschild, Aron Aaron geboren am 23. Juli 1869 in Gemmingen/Eppingen/Badenwohnhaft in Stuttgart und in Buchau / SaulgauDeportation ab Stuttgart 22. August 194...
  • Abraham Rothschild (c.1698 - 1752)
  • Abraham Rothschild (c.1720 - 1788)
  • Ada Gabriele Rothschild (1921 - aft.1942)
    Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs:Rothschild, Ada Gabriellageboren am 22. September 1921 in München/Bayernwohnhaft in München und in Stuttgart DEPORTATION ab Stuttgart 26. April 1942, Izbica, G...

About the Rothschild surname


Rothschild: A very COMMON name and interesting that some have that name before there were surnames (1808) in Germany.

request from Private User

My family are from Hellenthal, Junkerath, (Eifel region) and I am researching for others, in Horstein regions, Germany (Frankfurt region). I live in Australia and am happy to hear from those who believe their ancestors are from those regions. Judy