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  • Ross (deceased)
  • Ross, Prior of Monymusk (deceased)
    From the English Wikipedia list of Priors of Monymusk: of priors*Máel Brigte (Bricius), 1210x1211-1222x[1]*Unknown abbots*Alan, fl. 1268*Unknown abbots*Bernard, fl. 1345*Andrew Cant, 1357-1365* Unknown...
  • Abigail Ross (1786 - 1860)
    Not the same as Abigail Nickerson Abigail Nickerson, daughter of Gideon Nickerson & Sarah Bearse, married Thomas Ross. They had 21 children. References
  • Abigail Ross (1663 - 1738)
    Known children of Humphrey Spinning and Abagail Hubbard are:3. Abigail Spinning, born 1662 in Elizabethtown, New Jersey.There is confusion over 2 women, Abigail Alling, daughter of John Alling, b. New ...
  • Abigail Angell (1713 - 1752)

About the Ross surname


Clan Ross is a Highland Scottish clan first named as such by King Malcolm IV of Scotland in 1160 (see Wikipedia). This may be the primary origin of the name.

As the name is fairly common, it is possible that immigrants with foreign surnames may have changed their surname to this for reasons varying from pronounceability in the local tongue to politics to racism. eg. Rosenberg changed to Ross.

other possible versions of this surname