Some Rodríguez families in Hispania and elsewhere may be descended from Rhodri ( Rhoderik )
king of Gwynned in Wales until about 187 BC ,corresponding to 878 of the Northern aera beginning in 1065 BC ,who seems to be identical with Han-Nibal ,king of the Puns,and ancestor of Niblung kings too .
A much later Roderik namely ,called also Rurik / Hroerekr ,who ruled at Wesigoths and Rhóses until 165 of the current period corresponding to 711 of the Persian aera with beginning in 546 BC ,and to 888 of the ancient Roman calculation doing so from 723 BC ,was also called Georgios in Georgia and Hungary .
Georgios namely corresponds to Hyrkanos ,whose name was Iohannes too ( Iwo-Hann ) ,and also was called Rhodri in Wales ,as a descendant of the first Rodrigo / Hannibal ,and son of Idwal ,and whose name in Numidia apparently was Iugurtha ,that is Iwu-Gurtsha ,meaning approximately Iohannes Georgios .
Another name of the Wesigoth Roderik / Rurik ,grandson of Rekkesvind ,the king of Casavindo on the Holy Land of America ,as king of Kassogs too, until about 1023 of te Greek aera beginning in 858 BC , might have been Rededya ,a local version of nicknaming Roderik . In this case his son Roman might be the founder of Romanov ruling dynasty of Russia ,Roman Yuryevich .
He was also known as Yannaqu or Inigo Areista .
Otherwise Rhoderik might correspond to Rhwanda-Rik which is Andreas ( Anda-Rewa ) in a different form .
See Rurik,Romanov,Balkar,Hamburger,Hamburg,Hansen,Edelsztejn,Kristic,Atterlund,Kamenev,Csárdi,Arca, Andi,Silberstein,Burgund,Ghadamsi,Rohodi,Gayerhos,Gayer,Dósa,Dózsa,Koppányi,Burnaev,Nadrowski, Tulipan,May,Bodó and others !
Balázs Déri