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Roché Genealogy and Roché Family History Information

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  • Adam fitz Godebert de la Roche (c.1160 - d.)
    Adam de la Rupe (Roche) Adam was the first to hold Roch(e) Castle, Pembrokeshire. He was married to Blandina and founded Pill Priory. is now known of the origins or chronology of the Roche family altho...
  • Adémar, seigneur de La Roche (952 - bef.1037)
    émar de La Roche Adémar de La Roche (ou Amaury ou Esmerin) (v952-av1037) seigneur de La Roche, père de Foucauld Ier de La Roche, fondateur de la Maison de La Rochefoucauld.Biographie légendaireAdémar d...
  • Alberada de Moulins (deceased)
    The writers of the time made Guimond de Moulins one of the bravest captains of his time, but endowed with a turbulent and violent character. From his wife Emma, Guimond de Moulins had at least 9 chi...
  • Alix de La Roche-en-Régnier (c.1273 - aft.1311)
  • Angel Roché
    Angel Roché Jr. was born on Sept. 20, 1973 in Chicago, Illinois, USA, to Puerto-Rican parents, the eldest of three children. He has two younger sisters. Angel is a drummer/percussionist, producer, song...

About the Roché surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Roché surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Roché surname.

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