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Regan Genealogy and Regan Family History Information

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  • Alice Louisa Green - Marris (1840 - 1927)
    "SIMON TAYLOR" [20 August, 1842] Passenger List The emigrant ship Simon Taylor sailed from London on April 30, 1842. She was under the command of Thomas Brown and arrived off Fremantle in the Swan Ri...
  • Alice Regan (1810 - 1865)
    Alice HARKINSON was born 5/8/1810.She was convicted of Stealing and sentenced to 14 years transportation. She arrived in Sydney Cove on 5/3/1832 on "Pyramus"Alice married John REGAN at Mittagong 27/9/1...
  • Alice Joyce (1890 - 1955)
    Joyce Brown (October 1, 1890 – October 9, 1955) was an American actress, who appeared in more than 200 films during the 1910s and 1920s. She is known for her roles in the 1923 film The Green Goddess an...
  • Ann Regan, of Warren Co, NC (c.1730 - 1806)
    Born in Bertie Co. and passed in Gates Co divided to Warren Co wherein lies Fishing Creek.

About the Regan surname


Also spelled Reagan or O'Regan, the name Regan like may immigrant names differed in spelling depending on whom happened to be recording names of new immigrants at Ellis Island or the Port of New Orleans.

other versions of this surname