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  • Rabbi Abraham Baruch Kahana Rapaport, ABD Livonia, Minsk, Vilna, Furth, & Grodno (c.1668 - 1746)
    "Die Grabschriften des Alten Judenfriedhofes in Wien" Band II- by Dr. Bernhard Wachstein-pg. 319 Since 1710, served as Rabbi in Fuerth. *************************************** among the rabb...
  • Alfred Ritter Rappaport von Arbengau (1868 - 1946)
    Source: Rappaport Ritter von ArbengauAlfred Rappaport was born in Vienna on the 16th of June 1868. After attending the Orientalische Akademie at Vienna he was ideally educated for service with the Mini...
  • Baruch Rappaport (1922 - 2010)
    Baruch "Bruce" Rappaport (February 15, 1922 – January 8, 2010) was an international banker and financier.[1][2] He was born in Haifa, Mandatory Palestine to Russian-Jewish emigre parents.
  • Bennett "Ben" Rappaport
    Bennett Eli "Ben" Rappaport (Arlington, 23 marzo 1986) è un attore statunitense. Ha interpretato il ruolo di Todd Dempsy nella sitcom NBC Outsourced, in onda durante la stagione televisiva 2010-2011...

About the Rappaport surname


Balázs Déri's opinion :

Rappaport family allegedly from kohn tribe may descend from "rab" Pápá mentioned in talmud who might have in his days been considered "rab" of the place of the "pope" (pap-ort) whether it referred to Rome or to Pápa in Hungary near river Raab,that is Raab-Pap'-Ort.

See Winter,Kohn !

other versions of this surname