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  • Prof. Chaim Menachem Rabin (1915 - 1996)
    Menachem Rabin (Hebrew: חיים מנחם רבין‎; 1915–1996) was an Israeli professor of Hebrew and Semitic languages.Chaim Rabin was born in Giessen, Germany, 22 November 1915, the son of Israel and Martel Rab...
  • Prof. Michael Ozer Rabin
    Michael Oser Rabin (Hebrew: מִיכָאֵל עוזר רַבִּין ‎, born September 1, 1931), is an Israeli computer scientist and a recipient of the Turing Award.Early life and educationRabin was born in 1931 in Bres...
  • Prof. Miriam Ben Peretz (1927 - 2020)
    Miriam Ben-Peretz מרים בן-פרץ was Professor Emeritus of Education at the University of Haifa. She is former Dean of the School of Education at the University of Haifa, and past President of Tel-Hai Aca...
  • Trevor Rabin
    moved to Los Angeles in 1982. Here he became a member of the newly reformed progressive art/rock group Yes for the groundbreaking 90125 album as a guitarist, keyboardist, singer, songwriter, producer a...

About the Rabin surname

The ancestor of some Rabin families from Hiero-Solyma may have been Bimbisára ( Bin-Bissawa-Ra ) king of Mágadha ( Ma-Agade-Ha ) from about 608 until 559 b.c.. He,as his name shows ,or his father might have well come together with his people from the city of Wa-Bayassa in the Guyana somewhen in 7th century when it was occupied and almost ruined by Babylónians and allied troups as a consequence of God Almighty's sentence on the sins of its people.

His son or grandson was Ajátasatru ( A-Dzhát-A'assattelra-Wa ) ,the husband of A'assattelra who seemingly to me was in the civil life called A'ag-Han-Shayaraya-Sha and is the ancestor of shiri(sh)hana' tribe in the region of Aztlán that is Az-Te-Wayana where once azteka-nawa people lived too .

Agade was founded there in about 2121 b.c. by its king Sharru-Kinu called otherwise Wa-Sharra'ale .

Jews and christians say Yebus,E'ester, 'Akhashwerush,Tsiyyon ,Yishra'el .

See Hidalgo,Dala,Ótott,Csángó,German,Baliko,Yokohama,Coel,Shillinger,Miskolczy,Oltean,Santiago,Peshawar and others !

Balázs Déri