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Proctor Genealogy and Proctor Family History Information

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  • ?? PROCTOR (deceased)
  • Abigail Varney (1637 - 1732)
    Abigail Proctor was the leader of a party of women who raised the frame of the meeting house at Chebacco, after an order had been issued by the general court forbidding the men from raising it. The wom...
  • Abigail Anne Proctor (1689 - 1695)
    Abigail was a daughter of John Proctor II and his third wife Elizabeth Bassett.
  • Adam Proctor (c.1836 - d.)
    Adam was a Cherokee man Biography Adam was born about 1831. He was the son of William Proctor and Dicey Downing. He passed away in 1872. He is buried at Johnson Cemetery now in Delaware County, Ok...
  • Agnes Hunter Proctor (1815 - 1870)

About the Proctor surname

Proctor Name Meaning

English (northern): occupational name from Middle English prok(e)tour ‘steward’ (reduced from Old French procurateour, Latin procurator ‘agent’, from procurare ‘to manage’). The term was used most commonly of an attorney in a spiritual court, but also of other officials such as collectors of taxes and agents licensed to collect alms on behalf of lepers and enclosed orders of monks.

  • ****

Ralph Augustus Proctor, born 3/3/1927, Kansas City, MO