Algarve in Portugal may form a similar correlation with Maghrab in Africa as does the name Portugal itself with the place in the Byble called Pa-Wa-Heg-Ha-Warre-Te ,both being added the
Arabic "al" pre- and postposition ,as Al-Gharbe and Port'huh'g-Al .
This place ,Pa-Waheg-Ha-Warre-Te ,was located in the edge of the continent on which Mester-Rawam-Ma
lied - Africa - left by the chosen nation led by God himself at leaving the land of slavery in about 1706 BC , at which they built a camp before crossing the sea that their pursuers never managed to do .
Before reaching that place,the people crossed a desert called A'at-Tem-Ma ,appearing to be identical with the dwellings of Matmata tribes in what is now Tunesia ,approximately. From Pa-Waheg-Ha-Warret-Te ,after crossaing the final sea ,that is the Ocean at Gibraltar ,they went across to a place called Sheyerra ,that might be the mountaneous Hispania and its Sierras ,including the Pyreneens ,from where they passed to Maraha ,maybe identical with Moravia in Central Europe,and to E'Awa-Lem-Ma , that is either the home of Lemovici people ,or the surrounding of Malmő in the Vikings' land . From there they passed to Sewan,that is Svenska itself ,and to Ad-Da-Pa-Qa-Ha ,the praedecessor of Kappadokia,where Leyko-Syr ,that is White Syrian people lived thus in those days likely identical with Syrian's home at the White Sea .
Paaddouka or Komanche tribe in the Holy Land may also be of Ka'padok
that is of Komi-Manche origin . As Nawatls,they are likely to be descended from Syros son of Apollón,called A-Na-Pat-Tel-La-Wa in the Byble, who may be identical with the king of Peru ,called Paullu Tikak Pirua ,reigning between about2128 and 2098 BC, whose son ,called locally LLuque Tesaq Amauta ,may thus be identical with Awak-Hes-Te-Wa-'E-Le of the Holy Script ,after whom Leuki peoples might be named . .
Leaving that they passed to A'alLayash-Sha ,the ancestors' land of Salish peoples including Commox tribe, in a place where Komi and Moksha peoples appear ,and then to A-Rem-Pe-Wad-Da-Wa-Ma ,which is Perm of the Udmurts .
And by this they already reched the mountains of Sawan-Na-Wa ,that is of Sunna ,which is now called Ural because the Sunna branch of Islam has been founded by Awa-Shar-Ra'al opposed to Arga-Wa-Shaya , founder of Shia ,his brother . And there is the Mount of Death ,that land that is sacred .
Pa-Wa-Heg-Ha-Warre-Te itself might have been a place founded by peoples later,or contemporarily ,called Tuareg, that is Te-Ha-Wa-Warre-Heg .
See Maghrabi,Algarve,Malmö,Koman,Izdenczy,Kom,Kominka,Tobinka,Czakó and more !
Balázs Déri