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Polli Genealogy and Polli Family History Information

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  • Akilina / Liina Polli (1910 - 1979)
    Sünd VKJ Ap.Muhu Hellamaa kog.M 1908-1910. Akilinat kutsutaksegi LIINA. abiel -
  • Arnold Polly / Polli (1898 - 1959)
    Family: 1906-1940 Tallinna Jaani koguduse PR TLÜAR väliseesti isikud: Surmakuulutused - Meie Kodu (Sydney, Austraalia), 1959, 16. juuli, nr. 29, lk. 3-4.
  • Carlo Roberto Polli
    Carlo Roberto Polli (born 7 February 1989) is a Swiss footballer who plays for Mendrisio-Stabio.
  • Carlo Polli (1928 - 2007)
    Carlo Polli (Milano, 17 gennaio 1928 – 1º febbraio 2007) è stato un politico italiano.
  • Ellen Polli (1927 - 2011)
    Ellen Polli (7. märts 1927 Tartu – 28. oktoober 2011) oli eesti maalikunstnik ja pedagoog. Ellen Polli oli abielus Kaljo Polliga. Nende pojad on Heitti Polli ja Priit Polli.1951. aastal lõpetas 24. aas...

About the Polli surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Polli surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Polli surname.

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