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Polk Genealogy and Polk Family History Information

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  • "Widow" Polk (1662 - d.)
    Married 2nd + ? Gray # James Polk b: 17 MAY 1719 d: 1770 + Mary Cottman + Betty Cottman # David Polk b: 1721 d: 1778 + Betsy GILLIS # Jane Polk b: 1723 + James Strawbridge [S3028] links*
  • Agnes Polk (1710 - 1760)
  • Ann Polk (1662 - 1718)
    ANN KNOX=== The Knox Family, pp 30 et seq. for John Knox and his wife Jean Gracy ===Genealogical Account=== Hattie S. Goodman, The Knox Family. A Genealogical and Biographical Sketch of the Descendants...
  • Annabel Stewart (1565 - 1648)
  • Anne Chenoweth (1722 - 1797)
    Anne Chenoweth ( born Polk) born 1722 Baltimore Co, Maryland, died 1785 Berkley Co, West Virginia. Marriage to William Chenoweth Feb. 12th 1743 in VA. their children were William, Isaac, Absolom, and J...

About the Polk surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Polk surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Polk surname.

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