Podarkés of the paudarko tribe of zhé begot among others Polités who was seemingly later deified as Polités Zeus being considered descendant of Zeus anyway.
The lineage is this : A-Zhe-Reg-ha begot Ze-Ma-Rawa alias Am-Mag-Ha-Yal-a who begot Ak-Keram-Ma-Wa who begot E-Zha-Bet-Dawa who begot Arge-Kera,then perhaps came Am-a-ra-da and his brother Awa-Ter , that is :
Zeus of Argos begot Zeusz of Roma meaning Yuppiter,ancestor of zhé ku-eryuppite tribe near Manoá and Roraima,who begot Keramos,the mákedón,who are the zhé-dou also there,who begot the argeios of Crete or Kerala,then the amdara or dámara or dámirika or drámila nation all of thámil origin,next forefathers of Troia also where Podarkés or Priwamos reigned.
His descendant was also Askanios to found Roma and that is where "zhé" jews called ashkana-ze could originally came from.
This city was heritage of A'eherren of Er-ge-Mar-an-Ma,of whom all german speaking levites came.
Jews and christians however insist on calling them Zerakh,Zimri or Makhul,Karmi,Zabdi,Akar,Mered and Yeter.
Balázs Déri's words. .