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Poisson Genealogy and Poisson Family History Information

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  • Barbe Poisson (1631 - 1711)
    BARBE POISSON arriving in Quebec at a mere 13 years of age. She married Leonard Lucault on October 12, 1648, within weeks of arriving. The Iroquois, however, killed Leonard in a raid in 1651, leaving B...
  • Jean Poisson (1593 - 1650)
  • Jeanne Antoinette Poisson, marquise de Pompadour (1721 - 1764)
    Jeanne-Antoinette Poisson (1721–1764), often known by nicknames Reinette and Madame de Pompadour, was a well-known courtesan and the famous mistress of King Louis XV of France. Online biography By Tr...
  • Julie Filleul (1751 - 1822)
  • Marie-Anne Pépin (1820 - 1890)

About the Poisson surname

The French word poisson means fish in English. Many times immegrants from France or Canada changed their names to a more American sounding name. Look for the surname Fisher or Fish if you can't find Poisson on American census and other records. Sometimes some family members changed their name and others didn't, Look for the Poisson/Fisher connection in the same household or in the same town.