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  • Abigail Davenport (c.1644 - 1717)
    Died on Jul. 20, 1717 at age 74. Wife of John Davenport. Daughter of Abraham Pierson. Buried in the Center Church on the Green Churchyard in New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut, Plot: 118D. Find A...
  • Abigail Pierson (1654 - 1727)
    One record shows eleven children, of which Hannah, was the seventh. She was to marry Isaac Lyon.*____________________* 'The story of the memorial in honor of the founders of the town of Milford : erect...
  • Abigail Pierson (bef.1618 - 1698)
    ii.Abigail Mitchell, born before April 26, 1618 in Lincolns., England; died about 1680 in Newark, Essex County, New Jersey; married (1) Wheelwright before 1637; married (2) Abraham Pierson about 1638 i...
  • Sgt. Abraham Pierson, I (1681 - 1758)
    Birth: 1680 Derby New Haven County Connecticut, USA Death: May 12, 1758 New Haven County Connecticut, USAAbraham married Sarah Tomlinson.Their children were:1. Sarah Pierson, b. Aug. 19, 1705; m. Tho...
  • Rev. Abraham Pierson, II (1641 - 1707)
    Abraham Pierson (1646 – March 5, 1707) was an American Congregational minister who served as the first rector, from 1701 to 1707, and one of the founders of the Collegiate School — which later became...

About the Pierson surname

Are Piersons and Ganske's rlated?