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Penn Genealogy and Penn Family History Information

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  • Penn (deceased)
    NN parents of Christian PennThree of these sources are from 2014 or later and she has been studied in depth and no solid connection has been made to her origins:Harriet Hodge, Mayflower Families Throug...
  • Penn (deceased)
    NN parents of Christian PennThree of these sources are from 2014 or later and she has been studied in depth and no solid connection has been made to her origins:Harriet Hodge, Mayflower Families Throug...
  • Col. Gov. Richard Penn (1735 - 1811)
    Richard Penn, Jr. 1735-1811 England Parents: Richard Penn, Sr. 1705-1771 and Hannah Lardner c.1710- Wife: Mary Masters 1756-1829 Children: # William 1776-1845# Richard Penn, III c.1777-# Hannah c.1778-...
  • Col. Abraham Penn, Sr. (1743 - 1801)
    A Patriot of the American Revolution for VIRGINIA with the rank of COLONEL. DAR Ancestor # A088474 from website: "Abram (Abraham) Penn, son of George and Ann Penn, was born December 27, 1743, and spent...
  • Aimee Mann
    Aimee Mann is an American rock singer, singer-songwriter, bassist, and guitarist. She was the bassist and a vocalist for the band 'Til Tuesday during the 1980s and since then she has primarily released...

About the Penn surname


Mot breton = Tête ou extrémité