Some of the many Papp families may descend from Pappos , a marshall of Aristobulos-Iudas, who killed in a battle about 38 b.c. Ióséphos son of Antipatros and brother of Héródés ( about -69 - 1 ),and therefore was killed for revenge by the latter.
Pappos son of " Yehudah" is also mentioned in the Talmud as possibly a husband of a certain "Maryam" mother of "Yeshu" of whom some people think to be identical with Maria and Iésus of the christian stories. An other opinion there is that Yeshu's father was Yosef son of Pa'antter. This Pa'antter seems to be a version of Antipater and thus this Yosef might be identical with Ióséph son of Antipater and might have in reality been regarded as the grandfather of Iésus through the second Ióséph nominally son of the first one. At the events described above might have the wife of the first Ióséph been in the captivity of the Hasamonai troups and this might have given the reason to some to think she was taken by Pappos. Even possibly he was a real son of Aristobul-Iuda from the family of priests called kehan .
The second Ióséph must have with upmost likelyness been born after the death of the first one either as a real postume child of him or one of the second marriage of his mother according to habits of those days likely with one of the brothers of the deceased. In the second case in order to sustain the name of the deceased in the nation the son born must have also been named Ióséph Lébi. I suspect,because of all this and based on other sources,his father was Héródés himself future king, then one of the princes of Iudaia and a talented warrior . Ióséph regarded nominally as nephew of Héródés married later a daughter of the latter who was - just like Alexander's mother,who was the Incarnation of Zeys and died in his 33rd year - called Olympia.
Remark here that a certain "Yeshu ha-notsri" - read rather Wa-Shaya Natchera-Wa - is also mentioned there as one living in the days of the previous Aristobul and of his brother Alexander and visiting Aigypt too about 88 b.c.,and he might be identical with Sinatruk chief of Parthia called by his inka family Sintche Roka that is in this case : Shaya-Natche-Ra-Wa -(ka) - ancestor of irantche tribe of the Andes in the neighbourhood of kabichi. He was namely by taraskas called Siku-Irantcha and by mongol-arawaks Bagarim Shik-Iratu Kabichi . According to Talmud "bad" government began 180 years before the final devastation in Iésus's 56th year some 2 years after Zakharia son of Barakia was killed in the Temple , that is in 124 b.c,and this is just the time Inka rule began there with Manko Kapak son of the Sun called by parthians Mithridat. Also the convert of Idumaia to judaism must have happened approximately then.
See Istanbul,Bajor,Ótott,Moldvan,Alexander,Burgund,Horpatzky,Tevan,Deutsch,Slaninka,Blinker,Dózsa,Kostbar,Neufeld,Luxemburg,Klaber,Dobó,Kun,Markmann,Balkar,Karacsay,Wycliffe and others !
Balázs Déri