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Pantulf Genealogy and Pantulf Family History Information

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  • Alicia de Verdun (deceased)
    from fmgMedlands NORMAN de Verdun . The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. The Leicestershire Survey, dated to [1124/29], records "in Hallested Normannus de Verdun...
  • Aline Pantulf (c.1178 - 1228)
  • Beatrice (deceased)
    from fmgMedlands m BEATRIX, daughter of ---. Her marriage is confirmed by Orderic Vitalis who records that "Guillelmus miles cognomento Pantol" donated "terram quam Beatrix mater eius in dominio habeba...
  • Burga de Stuteville (c.1117 - aft.1166)
    Although the Latin forms of Stutvilla, Stotvilla and Estotvilla are used indiscriminately, it is convenient for purposes of distinction to restrict the form Estouteville to the Norman/French lines desc...
  • Christiana FitzAlan (1145 - 1227)
    from fmgMedlands B. EARLS of ARUNDEL 1289-1580 (FITZALAN)The primary sources which confirm the parentage and marriages of the members of this family have not been identified, unless otherwise indicated...

About the Pantulf surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Pantulf surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Pantulf surname.

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