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Overton Genealogy and Overton Family History Information

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  • Aaron Overton, Jr (c.1750 - aft.1823)
    A Patriot of the American Revolution for NORTH CAROLINA. DAR Ancestor #: A085100
  • Ann Overton (c.1690 - c.1725)
    Seen as daughter of Col. Thomas Carr of Topping Castle but evidence is lacking. Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy : Apr 12 2017, 16:08:32 UTC
  • Anna Booker Overton (c.1736 - bef.1814)
    OVERTON and Ann BOOKER CLOUGH had the following chilren: Ann Booker CLOUGH 1 was born about 1736 in VA. She died about 1809. Ann married John OVERTON. John was born about 1735 in Hanover Co, VA. He die...
  • Anne Overton (deceased)
  • Anne Overton (1613 - 1665)
    Date of birth might be 1613. The marriage license (records of Bishop of London 27 June 1632) stated that "Robert Overton, gent., of Easington, Holderness Co., Your, bachelor, aged 23, and Anne Gardine...

About the Overton surname


The Overton surname is English in derivation. Its meaning is simple, usually taken to mean 'living across town'.


There are several different Overton lines and many people can become confused in trying to trace a particular Overton person, especially from early days. The administrators at have divided the various Overton lines into clans and have tried to distinguish them by DNA tracks and genealogical evidence. If anyone is uncertain about a particular Overton line, they should contact for further information. (Lloyd Lyndell Overton, June 2013)